Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blog Post

The scene in this week's readings that most intrigued me was the scene when, on Mars, Laurie figures out that The Comedian is her father. The way the discovery is drawn out is very interesting. With the repeating quotes from The Comedian, the close-up shots, and the flashbacks, the reader is brought into the same world of confusion that Laurie has entered.
The symbolism of Laurie throwing the Nostalgia perfume bottle, coupled with Dr. Manhattan’s haven crashing down, is very powerful. It shows Laurie destroying everything she has held near and dear for years. Despite her animosity towards her mother, it still rocks her world to learn that her father is the man who attempted to rape her mother.
Another interesting thing about this scene is Dr. Manhattan’s reaction. It almost seems like he doesn’t know what is wrong with Laurie. To me, it appears that even though Manhattan can see what lies ahead, it might have surprised even him that Laurie crashed.
The image of the castle of Dr. Manhattan crashing to the Martian earth seems almost like an image from Laurie’s head, even though we know its actually happening. It is a very powerful moment in the story and for Laurie.

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