Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Extended Metaphor Poem

Life plays out on a baseball diamond
The orb of white leather controls your destiny
The field's lineaments, prisitne at the start, blur with time
The one great umpire, who all are appurtenances to,
Watches everything, watching not to deprecate, but to
rebuke or praise, deplore or enjoy, your actions
the blithering of hoyden fans
attempt to distract you from your goal
To first base slowly, building up steam
To second base faster, reaching your peak
Rounding second, heading for third
Almost home
Around third base, coming home
Tired, but so close
Safe at home, having engirdled the bases
No longer extant on the field
Safe at home

1 comment:

  1. Nice job. I can think of many baseball fans who would enjoy this. The diction in the first third of the poem is especially effective.
