Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blog Post for Crying of Lot 49

In the first three chapters of The Crying of Lot 49, the most interesting aspect to me is the naming of the characters. Most obvious of the characters is Oedipa. Her name alludes to the Greek tale of Oedipus Rex, as well as the Oedipus complex pioneered in the world of psychology by Freud. To me, Oedipa’s name really refers to the power she has over men. Throughout the first few chapters of the novel, she is constantly pursued and sought after by the men of the book. In Oedipus Rex, Oedipus marries his mother to unwittingly fulfill a prophecy. His actions are seemingly predestined. It seems like it is the same way for Oedipa. Everything she does seems like it is almost destined to happen. 

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