Thursday, April 28, 2011

Garden of Forking Paths Post

Note: I apologize for the slight tardiness on this post
The Garden of Forking of Paths was the more interesting read of the two readings this week. The thing about that short story that I found most intriguing was the first person narrative of the story. The way the story was told through the eyes of the main character, Yu Tsun. Short stories like this are typically told in a third person format, but I liked how this story did it by having Yu Tsun tell his own tale.
Interestingly, when a story begins by telling the reader of a time off war, the reader expects an action packed, fast paced story. Instead the author, Borges, tells a story that is much more intellectual than anticipated. While a story of espionage, it is not a story of espionage that draws a reader into the story from start to finish. It almost seems like Borges is trying to draw the reader in by giving a scene of war, and pulling a “bait and switch” later in the story.
The Back to the Future clip shown in class was really interesting because it gave a more popular example of the labyrinth described in the story.

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